Referent: Stefan More


technology, society, philosophy, politics, gender, human rights, space | read, think, daydream, 69 | CS (CI & ITSec) @ TUGraz | curious | pixel-me by @erdbrbl

Oh, hi!
I'm Stefan.

I read, think & daydream.

About technology, society, philosophy, politics, gender, human rights & space.

And where these things meet each other.

I study computer science at Graz University of Technology.

And try to look beyond the rim of my teacup with some philosophy at University of Graz.

I (co-)organize CryptoParty Graz.

And care about privacy.

I am currently involved/interested in technology ethics, technology|society, it security, privacy, opendata, netpolitics, open knowledge, all things queer & labor in the 21st century.